how do you handle criticism from the press corps

Handling Criticism from the Press Corps: A Guide for Public Figures

As a public figure, it’s inevitable that you’ll face criticism and scrutiny from the press corps at some point in your career. Whether you’re a politician, celebrity, or business leader, dealing with negative media attention can be challenging and even overwhelming. In this article, we’ll explore how to handle criticism from the press corps, using the example of Karine Jean-Pierre, Press Secretary for President Joe Biden.

The Importance of Preparation

Before facing the press corps, it’s essential to prepare thoroughly. This includes being knowledgeable about your topic or policy, having a clear message to convey, and anticipating potential questions and criticisms. As Karine Jean-Pierre has demonstrated, preparation is key to handling criticism effectively. When faced with tough questions from reporters, she remains calm, composed, and focused on the facts.

Stay Calm and Composed

When dealing with criticism from the press corps, it’s crucial to maintain a calm and composed demeanor. Avoid getting defensive or emotional, as this can escalate the situation and make you appear weak. Instead, take a deep breath, pause for a moment, and respond thoughtfully. Karine Jean-Pierre has mastered this approach, often responding to criticism with a measured tone and a focus on the facts.

Focus on the Facts

When faced with criticism or misinformation, it’s essential to stick to the facts and avoid getting drawn into personal attacks or debates. As Karine Jean-Pierre has shown, focusing on the facts and data can help to neutralize criticism and maintain credibility. By staying grounded in reality, you can effectively counter negative press coverage and maintain public trust.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening is a critical component of handling criticism from the press corps. When responding to questions or criticisms, make sure to listen carefully to what the reporter is saying, and acknowledge their concerns. This shows that you’re taking their questions seriously and helps to build trust with the media. Karine Jean-Pierre has demonstrated this approach by actively listening to reporters’ questions and responding thoughtfully.


Handling criticism from the press corps requires preparation, calmness, focus on facts, and active listening. By following these principles, public figures like Karine Jean-Pierre can effectively navigate negative media attention and maintain their credibility. Whether you’re a politician, celebrity, or business leader, remember that criticism is an inevitable part of life in the public eye. With the right approach, you can turn criticism into an opportunity to build trust and strengthen your reputation.


As Karine Jean-Pierre has shown, handling criticism from the press corps requires a combination of preparation, calmness, focus on facts, and active listening. By adopting these strategies, public figures can effectively navigate negative media attention and maintain their credibility. Remember that criticism is an inevitable part of life in the public eye, but with the right approach, you can turn it into an opportunity to build trust and strengthen your reputation.